Briony Wolf - Supporter of CEE4Life

  • Briony Wolf is a resident of Cape Town South Africa, although she has a account that indicates she lives in New York. 
  • She seems to have a particular problem with rescuers who are fund-raising and receiving support and/or attention.
  • She is a prolific poster on social media. She tweeted out the same slag piece aimed at me, more than 100 times, over a few days.
  • Briony's MO is to first message you privately and ask you questions. She will seem kind and genuine. The questions and messages will get longer and more in-depth. Soon, she will ask inappropriate questions or request private information and if you refuse to answer or give in to her request, she will attack you openly and accuse you of having something to hide. When facts are presented to her, she claims they are lies and continues attacking.
  • She has attacked, harassed and slandered numerous legitimate rescuers, some working in the most difficult parts of the world. 
  • She also hides behind anonymous blogs and social media profiles.
  • I believe that she has a small animal rescue named "Animal Angel Network".

#brionywolf #brionyluttig #sublimewitch #wolfheartfever  #sybellefoxcroft #cee4life #templetigers #celiaathumani #ohanavintagestyle #animalangelnetwork #rebeccarodriguez #rebeccaarodriguez #animaltimetv #animalhouse #indonesia #animalsofindonesia #cyberstalking #cyberbullying #bandungzoo #corruption #illegalwildlifetrade #indonesia #nogooddeedthefilm

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